Margarita Echevarria
Personal Information
  • Education:
    B.A., Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey J.D., Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey
  • Languages Spoken (English is Assumed):
  • Additional Information:
    Mediator Training Certification, New York City Bar Association
    Arbitrator Training, ARIAS-US, FINRA, AAA, CPR

    Arbitrator and Mediator, American Arbitration Association (AAA), Commercial Panel & Insurance Panel; Member of FINRA Commercial Arbitration Panel; Member of Arbitration Panel of International Institute for Conflict Prevention/Resolution (CPR); Member of Arbitration Panel for NAM; Certified ARIAS-U.S. Arbitrator. NY & NJ Courts Commercial Mediator, USDC-NJ & EDNY Arbitrator & Mediator, SDNY-Mediator, Member of National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals-NY Chapter.
  • Certified Arbitrator:
  • Certified Umpire:
Work Experience
Current director of an insurance or reinsurance company: No
Former director of an insurance or reinsurance company: No
Current officer of an insurance or reinsurance company: No
Former officer of an insurance or reinsurance company: Yes

Insurance Company: Legal Department

Reinsurance Department: Legal Department

Breakdown of Experience
Alternative/ Self Insurance/ Risk Management: Managed self-insured Workers Compensation Insurance program for Mutual Benefit Life. President of NJ Self-Insurers Association.
Asbestos: Have handled arbitrations for AAA involving asbestos claims.
Captives/Risk Retention Groups: HSBC had an active Captives/Risk Retention Unit for which I provided regulatory risk support.
Construction Defects: Have handled Construction Defects mediations for court ADR programs.
Disability: Claims Handling and Mediation
Employment Practices Liability: FLSA Claims
Healthcare: Medical Insurance Claims
Insolvencies: Mutual Benefit Life
Intellectual Property: Managed trademarks and copyrights for Marketing Dept. at Mutual Benefit Life
International: HSBC and TIAA required engagement in cross-border issues.
Lloyd's: Experience as a result of named carrier in Arbitration and Mediations
Long Term Disability: Claims handling and Mediations
Ocean Marine: Member of Emerging Risk Committee at TIAA
Product Liability: Arbitration Experience
Product/Consumer Warranties: Arbitration experience
Professional Liability/Errors &, Omissions: Inhouse Counsel experience with regard to agent issues
Third Party Administrator: Inhouse Counsel experience with regard to Claims handling
Arbitration Experience
Number of Arbitrations as an Arbitrator: 1 (This is limited to ARIAS assignments)/Non-ARIAS Arbitrations 100 as Chair, Sole, and or Wing Arbitrator.
Umpire Experience
Number of Arbitrations as an Umpire: 3 (This is limited to ARIAS assignments)
Number of Appointments as Umpire: 3
Completed Arbitrations as Umpire: 1
Margarita has worked in the insurance industry since 1979 as either in-house counsel or a Chief Compliance Officer for major multi-line insurance carriers and a global bank. In addition to the broad exposure to various products and markets required in her capacity as an insurance executive for these firms, her roles required advising the different operational and administrative units such as Product Development, Underwriting, Marketing, Policyholder Service, Claims, Licensing, Sales and Actuarial on their legal, regulatory, and contractual concerns. Her experience as an advisor included offshore programs, captive insurance, and online sales. Her roles also required active membership on several risk committees concerned with investment policy, business strategy, and operational risks such as the Asset & Liability, Operations Risk and Executive Committees. Her in-depth knowledge of the legal and regulatory requirements for insurers and insurance products facilitated her role as an adjunct professor of US Insurance Law at Seton Hall Law School. Margarita is active in the Section on Dispute Resolution, Arbitration Committee of the American Bar Association having served as Co-Chair of Membership, Co-Chair of Diversity Committee and Co-Chair of Regional Chairs for Women in Dispute Resolution. She is also a member of the Section on Dispute Resolution of NYSBA and the Exec. Vice-President of the NJ Association of Professional Mediators