ARIAS•U.S. Forms

Many of the forms listed below are related to specific stages of the arbitration process, as outlined in the Practical Guide. Links are provided within that document. However, they may also be accessed at any time directly through this page.

The ARIAS•U.S. Forms, Rules and Applications include the most recent date they were updated. If you have suggested edits or questions regarding any of the documents on the ARIAS•U.S. website, please send them to . The ARIAS•U.S. Forms & Procedures Committee will review suggested edits and questions on a quarterly basis each year. Recommendations for changes to any documents will be made by the committee to the Board and considered one time per year and revised as necessary. 

ARIAS•U.S. Questionnaire - Neutral Arbitrator Selection
ARIAS•U.S. Questionnaire - Umpire Selection
ARIAS•U.S. Sample Checklist for Arbitration Reasoned Awards
ARIAS•U.S. Sample Form - Confidentiality Affidavit
ARIAS•U.S. Sample Form - Umpire and Neutral Panel Member Availability Request Form
ARIAS•U.S. Enhanced Umpire Selection Program
ARIAS•U.S. Sample Form 3.1 - Agenda for the Organizational Meeting
ARIAS•U.S. Sample Form 3.2 - Hold Harmless Agreement
ARIAS•U.S. Sample Form 3.3 - Confidentiality Agreement
ARIAS•U.S. Sample Form 4.1 - Scheduling Order
ARIAS•U.S. Sample Form 4.2 - Pre-Hearing Security Order
ARIAS•U.S. Umpire Selection Procedure
ARIAS-U.S. Sample Letter - Neutral Selection of Arbitration Panel
ARIAS-U.S. Sample Letter - Umpire Selection Request
ARIAS-U.S. Sample Letter - Enhanced Umpire Procedure Request
ARIAS-U.S. Sample Letter - Arbitration Scheduling Inquiry