International Committee
The purpose of the International Committee is to raise the ARIAS·U.S. membership’s awareness of international arbitration issues and developments; compile a current list of international conferences, meetings and seminars focusing on international arbitration generally and insurance/reinsurance specifically; coordinate with other ARIAS·U.S. Committees on articles and seminars/conference sessions addressing international arbitration principles.
Time frame/Term of Office: November to November, no term limits currently.
Committee Structure: Open invitation. No limit on number of members, no formal terms.
Meeting Occurrence/Frequency: Quarterly or as needed.
How to serve on this committee: If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact the committee chairman.
Committee Co-Chairs & Board Liaison
Ed Lenci
Jonathan Sacher
Jonathan Rosen
Committee Members
Nasri Barakat
Tom Bush
Leslie Davis
Charles Ehrlich
Eric Evian
James Fitzgerald
Donald Frechette
Henry French
Kyley Davoodi
Klaus Kunze
John LaBarbera
Mitchell Lathrop
Emmanuèle Lutfalla
Frank Papalia
Eridania Perez
Andrew Poplinger
Richard Spenner
Susie Wakefield