Overlooking Environmental Coverages in an Allocation Battle Could Be CostlyBy John DeLascio1st Quarter 2019
Umpire Roundtable: Deliberation LogisticsBy Larry P. Schiffer, Susan E. Mack, Angela N. Grewal, Robert M. Hall1st Quarter 2019
Follow the Settlements and Allocation after USF&G v. American Re…The Objectively Reasonable StandardBy Charles J. ScibettaSECOND QUARTER 2013
Follow-the-Settlements Doctrine, TheBy David R. NelsonSECOND QUARTER 2010
The Evolving Contours of the Follow the Fortunes Doctrine As Applied to Post-Settlement AllocationsBy Wm. Gerald McElroy, Jr.THIRD QUARTER 2009
New York Appellate Division Rejects Cedent's Post-Settlement Reinsurance Allocations as Unreasonable - CASE NOTES CORNERBy Ronald S. GassTHIRD QUARTER 2007
Follow the Settlements: Bad Claims Handling ExceptionsBy Robert M. HallSECOND QUARTER 2007
ACandS, Inc. v. Travelers Casualty and Surety CompanyBy Mary Kay VyskocilFIRST QUARTER 2007
Second Circuit Rules that Reinsurer Must Follow Cedent's Post-Settlement Allocation — CASE NOTES CORNERBy Ronald S. GassSECOND QUARTER 2004
Facultative Reinsurer Not Bound to Follow Cedent's $257 Million Non-Products Asbestos Single Occurrence Settlement Allocation — CASE NOTES CORNERBy Ronald S. GassFOURTH QUARTER 2003
Multi-Year Fac Certs' Liability Limits Trump Follow Form Clause — Annualization Denied Despite Cedent's Conflicting Settlement Allocation — CASE NOTES CORNERBy Ronald S. GassSECOND QUARTER 2003