Women’s Resource Committee
The purpose of the Women’s Networking Committee is to develop opportunities and programming that emphasize women’s networking strategies, career advancement, and mentorship in the ARIAS∙U.S. community.
Committee Structure: Open invitation. No limit on number of members, no formal terms.
How to serve on this committee: If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact one of the committee co-chairs.
Committee Co-Chairs & Board Liaison
Ann Field
Cia Moss
Sarah Gordon
Committee Members
Jessica Alley
Karen Baswell
Jennifer Cavill
Kathryn Christ
Susan Claflin
Martha Conlin
Leslie Davis
Judy Harnadek
Deirdre Johnson
Andrea Verney Kerstein
Elaine Lehnert
Erika Lopes-McLeman
Lori Lovgren
Elizabeth Mazzocco
Judith Meyer
Kelly Nickerson
Polly Schiavone
Stacey Schwartz
Wendy Shapss
Eileen Sorabella
Isabella Stankowski Booker